The April 2 edition of The Dramatist LIVE begins with several DG announcements, including a Business Affairs webinar, a newly recorded episode of TAKLBACK that is soon to be released, the successful finish of the End of Play initiative, and the Guild's new dues relief policy.
The main event for the evening is a roundtable with seven writers whose works have recently been cancelled or postponed, Augusto Amador, Vivian Barnes, Morgan Gould, Candrice Jones, Jonathan Norton, Topher Payne, and Gab Reisman with DG’s Director of Theatre Relations, Todd London, as moderator. The playwrights discus what it was like to deal with the cancellations of their productions, with frank revelations ranging from optimism and hope to loss and fear. “I’m just trying to focus on the things that make us human, even the little things that aren’t life and death,” one playwright said.
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