Cover art of the Writing for Young Audiences Issue: A cartoon illustration of someone writing on a typewriter that is illuminated by a table light
On Writing for Young Audiences, Part Two
A photo collage of Deborah Wicks La Puma, Hannah Kohl, Joe Iconis, Min Kahng, Rhiana Yazzie, and Masi Asare
Deborah Wicks La Puma, Hannah Kohl, Joe Iconis, Min Kahng, Rhiana Yazzie, and Masi Asare

Masi Asare: I just want to say I’m thrilled to connect with each of you. I’m a writer and composer of musicals, but not very often for young audiences, so you are all really the experts here. I did lead a session for the Dramatists Guild Institute’s Musical Theatre Intensive in November, here at Northwestern University where I teach, and there were over 50 people in attendance, so I know that there’s a lot of interest in how musicals are written, and specifically musicals for different kinds of audiences. To kick it off, would you each introduce yourselves and say a little bit about how you got started as a writer of theatre for young audiences?

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