cover art of The Reality Check Issue: A solemn playwright with a long, winding sweater sleeve that has small illustrations detailing the struggles of a writer.
On Writers Groups
graphic image reading On Writers Groups

In today’s DIY culture of self-starters, there’s no need for writers to wait around for an agent, publisher, or literary manager to offer feedback on their work. Many playwrights and musical theatre writers find that participating in writer groups can be a vital part of their creative process. Though some groups organized through theatre companies require an application process, numerous others are founded by friends, collaborators, or similarly like-minded artists who desire the inspiration, feedback, discipline, and sense of community inherent in being a part of a writers group.

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Sarah Rebell
Sarah Rebell

is a theatrical journalist and musical theatre writer. Fellow: National Critics Institute at the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center. Bylines include: TDF Stages, Hey Alma, American Theatre, The Interval, Howlround. Sarah currently works as the Communications Content Manager at the Dramatists Guild.