The Reality Check Issue (2018)
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Masthead of the Reality Check Issue (2018)
Why Isn't the Guild a Labor Union?
Dear Dramatist - September/October 2018
Annalisa Dias: Ten Qeustions
Phillip DePoy: The Craft
Survival Jobs
The Big "What Now?" Part 2
On Writers Groups
Working Without An Agent
Suggestions for Staged Readings
Directing Your Own Work
Freelance Isn't Free
Rejection Letters That Never Made It Into Print
Advice to Young Theatre Composers
Copyright Advocacy: Between Never and Forever
From the Desk of DGF: What’s the Foundation?
Chicago: Can Conversation Change the World?
Dallas/Fort Worth: Will Power
DC: Honoring Howard Shalwitz
Gulf Coast: The NOLA Project
Houston: Texas Playwrights Festival
Northern New England: Contracts for Writers
New Jersey: Joel Stone
San Francisco: The Rest I Make Up
Seattle: Out of Grief Comes Art
Southwest: New Work!
Tennessee: How does a playwright get from New York to Tennessee?
Guild News – September/October 2018
Dramatists Diary – September/October 2018
New Guild Members as of July 15, 2018
Why I Joined the Guild with Lloyd Suh

When a group of illustrious playwrights, including George S. Kaufman, Moss Hart, and Eugene O’Neill, gathered to form the Dramatists Guild over a century ago—the nation's first and only trade association for American theatre writers—they held one ideal paramount: copyright. They believed that authors should maintain the legal rights to their own work. In maintaining their own copyrights, authors could control the creative life of their material. They could choose their own producers, their own directors, and their own casts, and no changes could be lawfully made in production without their explicit consent.
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Broadway: Good Night, Oscar (Joseph Jefferson Award for Best Play), I Am My Own Wife (Tony Award, Pulitzer Prize), War Paint, Hands on a Hardbody, The Little Mermaid, and Grey Gardens. Off-Broadway: Posterity (Atlantic); Unwrap Your Candy (Vineyard); Quills (NYTW); Standing on Ceremony (Minetta Lane); Buzzsaw Berkeley (WPA).

is an entertainment attorney. He’s been with the Dramatists Guild of America since 1997, and their Co-Executive Director and general counsel since June 2005. He is the Treasurer for the Dramatists Legal Defense Fund.