The Translation and Adaptation Issue (2013)
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Masthead of the Translation and Adaptation Issue (2013)
Editor’s Notes on the Translation and Adaptation Issue (2013)
Dear Dramatist - March/April 2013
Theresa Rebeck: The Craft
Julia Cho: Ten Questions
Translating Lyrics
Rhonda Shook: On Translations and Adaptations
Susan DiLallo: On Translations and Adaptations
Challenges of Translation
Ellen McLaughlin: On Translations and Adaptations
Henry Ong: On Translations and Adaptations
Sandra Seaton: On Translations and Adaptations
Three Rules for Adapting and Translating the Ancient World
Mark Nutter: On Translations and Adaptations
Alan Menken: On Translations and Adaptations
Roundtable on Translations and Adaptations
The Business Side of Adaptations
Of Bilingualism: Teatro’s Au Courant Significance
Arizona/New Mexico: Documenting History
Atlanta: 3 Hill Productions
Austin/San Antonio: Luminaria
Baltimore: Growing the Scene in 2013
Boston: Notes from the Field
Chicago: Teatro Vista
DC: A Killing Game
Florida: Bigger, Better, Stronger
Houston: What’s the Worst That Can Happen?
Ithaca Region: When the Snow Melts
Los Angeles: Fix it Later
Minneapolis/St. Paul: Raw Stages Festival
New Jersey: Luna Stage
North Carolina: College Discovery Day
Ohio: It’s Working!
Pittsburgh: 13P
Seattle: A Visit From Alan Menken
Utah: Charles Morey
Western New York: The Wheels of Bankruptcy and Resolution
E-Publishing Roundtable, Part Two
Mr. Blah Blah Blah
Seven Lessons Learned at MacDowell (+ one more learned in New York)
Happy Spring!
Guild News – March/April 2013
Dramatists Diary – March/April 2013
New Guild Members as of January 15, 2013
Classified Ads – March/April 2013
Jonathan Reynolds: What Guild Membership Means to Me

Not long after the debt-laden Buffalo regional theatre Studio Arena closed its doors mid-season in 2008, Anthony Conte—President of Shea’s Performing Arts Center, an 87-year-old venue that is one of the top-grossing single week destinations for Broadway tours—approached his board of directors and asked if there weren’t some way they could prevent the once venerable institution from becoming a parking lot. The board was willing, but that was just the beginning.
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’s work has been seen in 47 states and on five continents. Plays include Brilliant Works of Art (Kilroys List) and Elevator Girl (O’Neill and Princess Grace finalist). She’s also a Primus and Blackburn Prize nominee and three-time winner of the Emanuel Fried Award for Outstanding New Play.