Cover Artwork of The Call and Response Issue: an illustration of people marching
The Theatre Makers of Color Outreach Survey
Silhouette of a African American Man
Photo by Laurin Rinder - Artwork by DG Creative

During the month of June, four independent theatre makers created and disseminated The Theatre Makers of Color Outreach Survey. The survey’s purpose is to hear the voices of artists of color and to listen to their experiences in the midst of working inside organizations and institutions owned, operated and run day to day by a majority of white professionals. Within 48 hours of gathering feedback and sharing the questions with artists, affinity groups, supportive organizations, the unanticipated response was swift and almost overwhelming for the survey’s creators Stacey Rose, Daaimah Mubashshir, Keelay Gipson, and Nissy Aya.

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Terrance Brooks Boykin
Terrance Brooks Boykin

is an American playwright and poet. His plays include Rebirth in the Garden, Wrestling with Untitled, and The Private Life. Boykin has published several articles in the areas of art and culture in LGBTQIA publications. He currently supports playwrights in Dallas/Fort Worth as the Regional Representative for the Dramatists Guild.