The Reality Check Issue (2018)
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Masthead of the Reality Check Issue (2018)
Why Isn't the Guild a Labor Union?
Dear Dramatist - September/October 2018
Annalisa Dias: Ten Qeustions
Phillip DePoy: The Craft
Survival Jobs
The Big "What Now?" Part 2
On Writers Groups
Working Without An Agent
Suggestions for Staged Readings
Directing Your Own Work
Freelance Isn't Free
Rejection Letters That Never Made It Into Print
Advice to Young Theatre Composers
Copyright Advocacy: Between Never and Forever
From the Desk of DGF: What’s the Foundation?
Chicago: Can Conversation Change the World?
Dallas/Fort Worth: Will Power
DC: Honoring Howard Shalwitz
Gulf Coast: The NOLA Project
Houston: Texas Playwrights Festival
Northern New England: Contracts for Writers
New Jersey: Joel Stone
San Francisco: The Rest I Make Up
Seattle: Out of Grief Comes Art
Southwest: New Work!
Tennessee: How does a playwright get from New York to Tennessee?
Guild News – September/October 2018
Dramatists Diary – September/October 2018
New Guild Members as of July 15, 2018
Why I Joined the Guild with Lloyd Suh

Ah, the “survival” job. The term itself implies a person who will do almost anything for a pay check. I’ve had a few, but the worst came just after moving to a new city. It was a temp job in the underground level of an assembly plant: little more than a concrete bunker serving as a cavernous storage space for hundreds of legal boxes filled with files, memos, receipts, etc., a proverbial septic tank for bureaucratic waste. There was also a large industrial scanner/printer that rested beneath a single lightbulb like it was waiting to be interrogated.
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has written several plays for young audiences that were presented at Kingsbury Hall by the University of Utah Youth Theatre. His original play Viral debuted at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2011. He works in the film industry as a script coordinator, most notably on HBO’s Mosaic, directed by Steven Soderbergh. He is a graduate of the University of Utah, and is working on his MFA at Point Park University in Pittsburgh, PA.

’s plays include Rhythms (Helen Hayes Award for Outstanding New Play), Two-Character Play (dramatic centerpiece of Allyn & Bacon’s Explore Theatre), and Thespian (Smith & Krauss’ Best Ten-Minute Plays of 2011). Her novel The Life List of Adrian Mandrick was recently published by Touchstone Books.

received his MFA in Playwriting from UT-Austin. His plays for mature audiences include She Gets Naked in the End, Halfway, Nebraska, and Dogfuckers. His plays for teens include an adaptation of The Jungle Book and a gay re-imagination of Romeo & Juliet for middle schoolers.

has penned over 60 produced plays. Screenwriter: Where We Disappear and Under the Same Sky. Woodward/Newman Award finalist for A Gulag Mouse, Todd McNerney National Playwriting Award for The Lady Demands Satisfaction. Three-time Joining Sword and Pen winner, Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting. Repped by Brant Rose Agency.