Translation Adaptation Cover Artwork: Dried vegetation - such as bark, roots, and seeds - partly framed on a wall.
Seven Lessons Learned at MacDowell (+ one more learned in New York)
Roland Tec

When I asked Gary Garrison for permission to take a four-week unpaid leave of absence from my work at the Guild, I thought the time would allow me to move forward on a couple projects that had been languishing. And that it did. What I didn’t quite bargain for was the profound impact my December residency at The MacDowell Colony would have on how I approach my work and my life.

Before I left New York, a friend’s autistic son posed an intriguing question.

“So, you’re going to a cabin in the woods just to write?”

“Yes,” I said.

“But, couldn’t you just as easily do that in your own apartment?”

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Roland Tec
Roland Tec

is a playwright, composer, filmmaker, and director who has had work produced and/or screened throughout the U.S. and at film festivals in Europe, South America, Africa, Australia, and the Middle East. For twelve years he served as Artistic Director of Boston’s New Opera Theatre Ensemble, leading a core ensemble of singer-actors in the development and performance of new operas mounted in the most unlikely venues. During his tenure at the Dramatists Guild of America in New York, Tec devised and directed several new educational workshops which he brought to members throughout the country. Roland has been a fellow at the Byrdcliffe Artists Colony and at MacDowell. Roland is a faculty member of the Dramatists Guild Institute and an Assistant Professor in the Playwriting MFA Program at Hollins University.