Vol. 15 No. 4
Mar/Apr 2013
The Translation and Adaptation Issue (2013)
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Masthead of the Translation and Adaptation Issue (2013)
Editor’s Notes on the Translation and Adaptation Issue (2013)
Dear Dramatist - March/April 2013
Theresa Rebeck: The Craft
Julia Cho: Ten Questions
Translating Lyrics
Rhonda Shook: On Translations and Adaptations
Susan DiLallo: On Translations and Adaptations
Challenges of Translation
Ellen McLaughlin: On Translations and Adaptations
Henry Ong: On Translations and Adaptations
Sandra Seaton: On Translations and Adaptations
Three Rules for Adapting and Translating the Ancient World
Mark Nutter: On Translations and Adaptations
Alan Menken: On Translations and Adaptations
Roundtable on Translations and Adaptations
The Business Side of Adaptations
Of Bilingualism: Teatro’s Au Courant Significance
Arizona/New Mexico: Documenting History
Atlanta: 3 Hill Productions
Austin/San Antonio: Luminaria
Baltimore: Growing the Scene in 2013
Boston: Notes from the Field
Chicago: Teatro Vista
DC: A Killing Game
Florida: Bigger, Better, Stronger
Houston: What’s the Worst That Can Happen?
Ithaca Region: When the Snow Melts
Los Angeles: Fix it Later
Minneapolis/St. Paul: Raw Stages Festival
New Jersey: Luna Stage
North Carolina: College Discovery Day
Ohio: It’s Working!
Pittsburgh: 13P
Seattle: A Visit From Alan Menken
Utah: Charles Morey
Western New York: The Wheels of Bankruptcy and Resolution
E-Publishing Roundtable, Part Two
Mr. Blah Blah Blah
Seven Lessons Learned at MacDowell (+ one more learned in New York)
Happy Spring!
Guild News – March/April 2013
Dramatists Diary – March/April 2013
New Guild Members as of January 15, 2013
Classified Ads – March/April 2013
Jonathan Reynolds: What Guild Membership Means to Me

What do theatre makers of the future think about the viability of a career in playwriting? It was with this question in mind that I approached current high school and college students during a visit to the North Carolina Theatre Conference’s (NCTC) College Discovery Day. Each fall NCTC hosts high school students and their parents on the campus of Greensboro College in order that they may meet faculty and student representatives from North Carolina colleges and universities that offer degrees in theatre. I attended the event to represent the community college where I teach.
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Kim Stinson
is a former DG North Carolina Regional Representative.
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