Translation Adaptation Cover Artwork: Dried vegetation - such as bark, roots, and seeds - partly framed on a wall.
Mr. Blah Blah Blah
Man is silenced with adhesive red tape across his mouth sealed to prevent him from speaking. Freedom Concept.
Artwork by DG Creative

Draw this picture in your mind: I was at a Valentine’s Party (okay, right there I’m suspect. Who has a party for Valentine’s Day?) crowded with too many people in too small a space who either arrived drunk, were actively getting drunk or were in the process of leaving drunk. It was, in a phrase, a party of… well, sloppy, gross drunks. That’s never, ever my idea of fun. But because I wanted to be a good sport (and a semi-gracious guest), I decided to stay five minutes longer than the 30 minutes I normally spend not to appear anti-social.

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Gary Garrison
Gary Garrison

was the Executive Director of Creative Affairs at the Dramatists Guild from 2007-2016.