Poughkeepsie, NY – Leah Ryan’s Fund for Emerging Women Writers has announced its 2022 recipient of The Leah as Jessica Moss for her play Funnie; Or, The Most Lamentable Comedie of Jane the Foole. This year’s honorable mentions include Blanche & Stella by A.A. Brenner and Elizabeth is going into the ground by Emma Watkins.
The Leah was established in 2010 to honor the memory of Leah Ryan and to encourage and support the work of brilliant and unrecognized playwrights. It is the purpose of the prize to perpetuate the integrity, compassion, and creativity that Leah herself possessed and inspired in others. Winners receive a cash award and a New York City showcase of their winning work. The prize has been a springboard for winners who have subsequently won other competitions and/or have had fully-staged productions of their work.