Cover art of The Before and After Issue: Two chickens - one facing left, the other facing right - each with an egg behind them
Gulf Coast: Conversations at Bacchanal with Kurt Opprecht
Watership Damn by Alayne Gobeille, Anita Vatshell, and the Aquamob Cast
Watership Damn by Alayne Gobeille, Anita Vatshell, and the Aquamob Cast

Anita Vatshell:  Kurt, how do you feel about your production of Dos Coyotes in May?

Kurt Opprecht:  I couldn’t have asked for two better actors, Kimberly Kaye embodied the nature of Piper, the new-agey rebel against consumer culture, probably better than I ever will. It was a gas to see new sides of a character I thought I created. And Edward Simon had to dig deep to make Carlos’ border tragedy so palpable. There were a lot of tears in the house.

AV:  I shed my share. Also laughs.

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