The Craft: Scott Bradley
Scott Bradley headshot

Q Do you have a routine? A regular time when you write?

A I’m a morning writer. Before emails or other business clutter my head, I try to get in at least three-hour blocks of uninterrupted time for generative writing, two-hour blocks if I’m working through edits and rewrites.

Q Once you have an idea, how do you proceed? Do you take notes? Do you outline? Do you plunge right in?

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Scott Bradley’s

musicals include We Three Lizas, Alien Queen, Carpenters Halloween, Tran: The Atari Musical, and Mollywood. Plays include Trocadero Rose, A Kingdom Jack’d, Seed, and Packing, which premieres Fall 2019 at About Face Theatre. Scott is a 2019 Iowa Arts Fellow and alumnus of Iowa Playwrights Workshop.