The Composers of Working
Working was conceived to be different from most “mainstream” musicals, in that it was both a kind of topical revue and non-fiction. It was very important to me and my collaborators that it remain as true as possible—no invented words or situations.

with Susan Birkenhead, Craig Carnelia, Micki Grant, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Stephen Schwartz, and moderated by Jeanine Tesori
Working was conceived to be different from most “mainstream” musicals, in that it was both a kind of topical revue and non-fiction. It was very important to me and my collaborators that it remain as true as possible—no invented words or situations. But how to organize it so that it felt as if it had a throughline, gained momentum, and ultimately delivered an emotional punch? That was the main problem we struggled with as we put the show together.
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