Cover Art of the Massachusetts Issue: Multiple cartoons - each in separate boxes - showcasing life in Massachusetts.
Colorado: Naked Angels and Questionable Theatrics
Questionable Theatrics reading by Rebecca Gorman O’Neill: from left to right Missy Moore, Bernadette Sefic, and Matthew Schultz,, reading Karl, The Magnificent by William Missouri Downs
Questionable Theatrics reading by Rebecca Gorman O’Neill: from left to right Missy Moore, Bernadette Sefic, and Matthew Schultz, reading Karl, The Magnificent by William Missouri Downs

When I first started as the Dramatists Guild Regional Rep for Colorado, I felt like I had to scramble to figure out what to write about for these updates.  Ok, when I say “scramble,” that’s me being dramatic.  I actually just had to think about it for an hour or two.  My point is that now topics suddenly seem to be flying at me from all over the state--which is awesome because that means opportunities for Colorado playwrights are more and more plentiful.  Naked Angels and Questionable Theatrics are just two new-play-reading series that have emerged in our community i

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Josh Hartwell

is an Artistic Company Member at Curious Theatre Company, and an Ensemble Member at Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company (BETC).  An actor and playwright, Hartwell was seen in Clybourne Park (Denver Post Ovation Award for “Best Actor in a Comic Role”) at Curious in 2011.