Translation Adaptation Cover Artwork: Dried vegetation - such as bark, roots, and seeds - partly framed on a wall.
Boston: Notes from the Field
paper document flying paperwork business wind office

I once thought I knew the difference between translation and adaptation, but the more I thought about it, the more koanic it seemed to me, especially with respect to the theatre. The subject of translation and its variant forms is a specialty onto itself, certainly too dense to delve into in this article. However, this fall I witnessed three riveting examples of what might be considered adaptations of literary works for the stage.

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Hortense Gerardo
Hortense Gerardo

 is a writer and anthropologist who creates interactive movement installation art. She is a Company One Theatre Playlab Unit alumna (2018). She is currently Artist in Residence at the Metropolitan Area Planning Council and Associate Professor at Lasell College. For more info see: and follow her on Twitter: @hfgerardo.