The cover of The Age Issue of The Dramatist. An illustration of two sets of hands, one older and one younger, playing piano side by side.
Baltimore: Demographics of the 2015/16 Season
Business or career opportunity vector concept with man walking to opening curtains. Minimalist art style. Symbol of achievement, challenge, success, chance, new beginning.
Artwork by Jozef Micic

Last year at this time I published the results of my first effort—inspired by the Guild’s national count as well as local counts such as Gwydion Suilebhan’s analysis of DC—to analyze the demographics of the Baltimore theatre scene. My plan is to update the study each fall by publishing data for the season just concluded, so that Baltimoreans can more systematically answer the question of who is being produced, and who is directing the productions, at our theatres. A reminder: I am counting only productions that meet these criteria:

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Brent Englar
Brent Englar

was the regional representative for Baltimore from 2014 until 2017.