Translation Adaptation Cover Artwork: Dried vegetation - such as bark, roots, and seeds - partly framed on a wall.
Atlanta: 3 Hill Productions
auditorium with social distancing reserved seats

Forgive me if you’ve heard this…but I can’t get the phrase “all wretch and no vomit” out of my head -- and not because it’s January 1. Rather, the words are from an archival radio broadcast of Alan Watts “What if Money Didn’t Matter,” where he says it’s stupid to go on doing things you don’t like and expect any kind of success. “All wretch and no vomit. It never gets there.” “It” in this case refers to excellence, but “there” is all about self-motivation. And that’s what I’m thinking about on this first day of 2013, because of two recent “headlines.”

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Pamela Turner
Pamela Turner

is an award-winning playwright and director/dramaturg with production credits in the U.S., Germany, Guam, and Ireland. Currently writing the book for a musical adaptation of Louise Shiver’s award-winning novel Here to Get My Baby Out of Jail with composer Mark Swanson, she is co-founding AD of multiShades.atlanta and chairs DG’s Regional Affairs Committee.