Cover Artwork of The Call and Response Issue: an illustration of people marching
Ambassador Report: Indiana
The cast and crew of Hype Man: A Break Beat Play at the Fonseca Theatre Company. Photo by Ankh Productions/Chandra V. Lynch.
The cast and crew of Hype Man: A Break Beat Play at the Fonseca Theatre Company. Photo by Ankh Productions/Chandra V. Lynch.

Like everywhere else in the world, the COVID-19 pandemic stopped theatre in its tracks in Indiana. Planned productions were scrapped, and opportunities dried up. The IndyFringe Festival, a high point of the Indiana theatre scene, was canceled. But even as the country is rethinking the speed at which it is opening back up, Indiana is slowly coming alive with a resurgence of productions and opportunities.

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Mark Harvey Levine
Mark Harvey Levine

is a playwright currently living in Indianapolis, IN.  He was born in Pittsburgh, PA, and graduated from  Carnegie-Mellon University with a degree in Playwriting. He is one of the most-produced writers of short plays in the world.