Cover Artwork of The Call and Response Issue: an illustration of people marching
Ambassador Report: Central Pennsylvania
Exterior shot of Open Stage in Harrisburg, PA
Open Stage, Harrisburg, PA

COVID-19 hit Playwrights Alliance of Pennsylvania (PAPA), a group of playwrights supporting and critiquing one another in central PA for over ten years, quite personally. Joe O’Connor, a former member who had recently moved to Maryland to enjoy retirement, passed away at the end of March after contracting the virus. Joe was an enthusiastic playwright and poet, particularly proud of a ten-minute play he wrote for the August Cicada Festival in Mt. Gretna a few years ago.

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Cindy Dlugolecki
Cindy Dlugolecki

lives in south-central Pennsylvania, in the capital region of Harrisburg. She has been writing for over 50 years with no plans to stop. Since the 1990s, she has crafted nineteen plays of various lengths, all of which have been workshopped or performed in whole or in part on central Pennsylvania stages.