Advocacy Newsroom

The Dramatist Nov/Dec 2020: Craft & Career

The November/December issue of The Dramatist magazine is now available to access online, and hard copies are currently being shipped to DG members  as well.  The theme of this issue is Craft & Career. According to The Dramatist Editor Joey Stocks, "since so many of us are still at home, we thought we’d shift the conversation back to some basics of writing. Initially, we conceived this issue to be solely about craft. In the course of editing transcripts...
The Dramatist

From the Archives: In Conversation With Jerry Herman

Stephen Schwartz:  Everybody always asks which comes first, the words or the music. Since you write both, I wonder if you have a relatively set process or if it varies from song to song. How do you generally start a song?
The Dramatist

The Composers of Working

Working was conceived to be different from most “mainstream” musicals, in that it was both a kind of topical revue and non-fiction. It was very important to me and my collaborators that it remain as true as possible—no invented words or situations. But how to organize it so that it felt as if it had a throughline, gained...