Advocacy Newsroom

Chicago Dramatists: Early Bird Discount on Winter Classes

Our friends over at Chicago Dramatists have just announced their winter line up of writing courses! From now until December 1, 2020, they will be offering a 20% Early Bird Registration Discount on specific classes, when students select the Early Bird Registration option at checkout.  We hope you’ll make use of this offer, and join them for our newest round of courses, which will be held online via Zoom. All Chicago Dramatist classes, led by their highly experienced and supportive...
Advocacy Newsroom

Medicare Open Enrollment

Here at the Dramatists Guild, we believe that affordable healthcare should be accessible to everyone, including writers who are freelancers. We encourage those members to utilize Medicare's Open Enrollment period (now through December 15 or January 31, depending upon your state) to find the healthcare plan that best works for you. Our friends over at The Actors Fund are busy dispelling myths...
General Information

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Are you looking for a collaborator for a new project? Find one today!
General Information

The Dramatists Diary

The Dramatists Diary has been a continuous member service since 1964.