Advocacy Newsroom

Major Copyright Victory for Dramatists with Court Ruling on "Jersey Boys" Lawsuit

The Dramatists Guild offers congratulations to its members, Rick Elice and Marshall Brickman, as well as their Jersey Boys co-authors, Bob Crewe and Bob Gaudio, on their victory in the copyright case of  Corbello v. Valli et al.  The writers’ defense team was led with great expertise by David S. Korzenik, Esq., in a legal battle fought in the courts for over 13 grueling years, as depicted in ...
Advocacy Newsroom

September and October at The Dramatists Guild

This year, September and October will be unusually busy months for the Dramatists Guild. We're pleased to announce Copyright Advocacy Month and Political Engagement Month! Both months will provide dramatists with thematically coordinated opportunities to learn, engage, and participate in these special months at the Guild. ...
Advocacy Newsroom

ASK BA Webinar: Broadway and The First Class Contract

Friday, September 11 at 4pm EDT Dramatists Guild Executive Director of Business Affairs, Ralph Sevush, will take part in a mock negotiation with DG lawyer David Faux, Esq. As Ralph and Dave work their way through the details of a Broadway production contract, they’ll provide viewers with behind-the-scene insights into what the Dramatists Guild looks for in a good contract. ...
Advocacy Newsroom

Copyright Infringement Lawsuit Against the Internet Archive

The Dramatists Guild of America supports the copyright infringement lawsuit that has just been brought against the Internet Archive by a group of leading American publishers. The suit is intended to enjoin the Internet Archive from mass scanning, publicly displaying, and distributing copyrighted literary works (including plays and musicals) to the public without permission through its “Open Library” and “National Emergency Library” initiatives. While we support...