Advocacy Newsroom

March 2022: Before You Sign Newsletter - College Theatre Toolkit, Copyright Registration Week, AWP Conference, End of Play.®, Small Rights

Each month, DG content is specially curated to keep you in the know regarding what's happening in our industry, business related developments, and, also, what we're doing here at the Guild as we continue to fight for you and your rights. Every edition of our Before You Sign newsletter features Dear Business Affairs - a Q & A series, the DG Glossary, and more! Not a part of the Guild yet, but still want access? Join today.   ...
Advocacy Newsroom

Dramatic Changes: A DLDF Toolkit for Producing Shows on Contemporary College Campuses

The Dramatists Legal Defense Fund (DLDF) is pleased to introduce their new toolkit, Dramatic Changes: A Guide to Producing Live Stage Works on College Campuses in the 21st Century! What does the notion of a safe space mean and whom does it serve? How can you resolve potential conflicts between safe spaces and creative/academic freedom? This toolkit explores how students and educators can work to resolve tensions between the importance of free expression and...