Advocacy Newsroom

Aug 1 Webinar: Artificial Intelligence in Theatre - Navigating Legal Considerations for Writers

Join our Business Affairs Staff for an enlightening discussion on Artificial Intelligence and its implications for theatrical writers. This event will explore how new innovations can influence the creative process, copyright issues, and the future of theatre writing. Theatre writers are increasingly concerned about AI's potential to scrape online scripts without permission, create AI-generated plays, and replace human dramatists. Legal and ethical...
Advocacy Newsroom

November Contract Bootcamps: The Model Digital Rights Agreement

New technology leads to new questions to consider when granting someone the right to present your work. Thursday, November 30 AST: 4:30pm EST: 3:30pm CST: 2:30pm MST: 1:30pm PST: 12:30pm AKST: 11:30am HST: 10:30am Register for November 30...
Advocacy Newsroom

New Guild Staff: Introducing Ginnila Pérez and Yuanxiao Xu

The Dramatists Guild is delighted to introduce two new members of the Business Affairs department, our new associate Ginnila Pérez, and our BA consultant Yuanxiao Xu, a West Coast-based attorney, to help us respond to member queries on the Help Desk. "We look forward to their contributions to Team BA,” says Ralph Sevush, Executive Director of Business Affairs.  Ginnila Pérez, our new Business Affairs Associate, is excited to work with...
The Dramatist

From the Desk of Business Affairs: What’s In An Opera, Doc?

While Opera was the form that gave birth to the Broadway musical, the business of musical theatre writing has grown up since then. The documents that memorialize the rights of writers and the terms of their agreements are similar, but not the same. Since DG...
The Dramatist

The Real Person in Your Play

This article returns to a topic discussed in this column several years ago, but which seems to be increasingly popular. It all begins with a seemingly simple question: “Can I write a play about a real person?” This query invokes two areas of the law referred to as the right of publicity and the right of privacy. These rapidly...
Advocacy Newsroom

DG Webinar: Taxes in the Age of COVID

Join us on March 24 for a DG webinar providing support for dramatists on how to navigate the process of filing taxes during the pandemic. Wednesday, March 24 Eastern Time: 6pm – 7:30pm Central Time: 5pm-6:30pm Mountain Time: 4pm-5:30pm Pacific Time: 3pm-4:30pm Hosted by Elaine Grogan Luttrull Certified Public Accountant Founder, Minerva Financial Arts If it is true that the only certainties in life are death and...
Advocacy Newsroom

New Digital Rights Agreement

The Dramatists Guild's Business Affairs department recently created a new Digital Rights Agreement for member use. This agreement is intended to be a model contract that will enable members to grant a non-profit producer the exclusive right to present live-streamed productions. Any members who wish to license live stage production rights along with their digital rights can negotiate terms, using the DG form of live production agreement that is applicable to their circumstances, and...
Advocacy Newsroom

ASK BA Webinar: Broadway and The First Class Contract

Friday, September 11 at 4pm EDT Dramatists Guild Executive Director of Business Affairs, Ralph Sevush, will take part in a mock negotiation with DG lawyer David Faux, Esq. As Ralph and Dave work their way through the details of a Broadway production contract, they’ll provide viewers with behind-the-scene insights into what the Dramatists Guild looks for in a good contract. ...
The Dramatist

Editor's Notes on The Before and After Issue

Before this issue existed, it was an idea of Amy VonMacek’s, pitched to and pondered by our esteemed Publications Committee and Business Affairs Department. As we talked about it, we felt it made sense for it to come after The Coping Issue. Since February 2019, my “before” has been writing morning pages as prescribed in Julia...
The Dramatist

Out on the Fringe

Over the last eighteen months, the Dramatists Guild has begun to look beyond our own borders and reach out to international writing organizations in an effort to share information and learn more about each other’s industry. It began in October of 2017 when the Dramatists Guild partnered with the Writers Guild of Great Britain on the creation of the Good Neighbour Initiative, in which members of international writers’ organizations will have temporary...