The Dramatist

Nikkole Salter: Why I Joined the Guild

I had just moved out of the city to the Jersey ‘burbs and was feeling like my life was still in New York. After still doing my grocery shopping at the Trader Joes on 14th Street for the better part of the first year I said to myself, “It’s time you started claiming Jersey and making an effort to develop an artistic community.” I saw...
The Dramatist

Cori Thomas: Why I Joined the Guild

I joined the Guild after I wrote my first play.   In college, I had a creative writing professor who, upon reading a short story assignment, declared I should become a playwright because my fiction writing skills were rubbish. He wasn’t that blunt, but he said that I...
The Dramatist

Why I Joined the Guild with Lloyd Suh

I joined the Dramatists Guild three times, because I’m one of those people who accidentally let their membership lapse and forgot to renew (twice).
The Dramatist

Why I Joined the Guild with Jeffrey Sweet

I was seventeen, a freshman at NYU, and new to New York. I saw an off-Broadway musical called Now is the Time for All Good Men in Greenwich Village and happened to be at a performance when the co-author (who was also the female lead) was scheduled to talk to people after the show. After I asked a craft...