Advocacy Newsroom

Join our 2022 Community Conversations: What’s Happening in Your Local Theatre Community?

Save the date for DG's upcoming Community Conversation town halls, where YOU are invited to be a part of the conversation! Southern California/Western Regions Saturday, January 29 Eastern Time: 5pm – 6:30pm Central Time: 4pm – 5:30pm Mountain Time: 3pm– 4:30pm Pacific Time: 2pm – 3:30pm Mid-Atlantic/Midwest/Northeast Regions Sunday, January 30 Eastern Time: 6pm – 7:30pm...
Advocacy Newsroom

DG Town Hall: Writing Songs on Spec with Rona Siddiqui

Have you ever written a song on spec? Do you know what the process is, or what to expect? Now's your chance to learn more! Join us on Tuesday, June 29 at 2pm EDT for Writing Songs on Spec, a DG Town Hall featuring Council Member Rona Siddiqui. In this open forum, Siddiqui and special guest(s), including Benjamin Velez, will discuss the practice of writing songs on spec for producers. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions about the process and to share stories...
Advocacy Newsroom

DG Regional Town Halls in January 2021

SAVE THE DATE! We will be conducting SIX Regional Town Halls across the country in January 2021, and we would love to have you join us. As a national advocacy organization, the only way that we can truly direct our work in the right direction is to listen to those who are living in the vast array of theatrical communities that make up the American...