Advocacy Newsroom

How To Vote in the NYC Election

Learn how your vote is an opportunity to remake NYC in the most important election in our lifetime! Join us for an action-packed webinar training taught by RANKED CHOICE NY on Thursday, May 27 at 6pm. WATCH THE VIDEO Calling all NYC based theatre artists!! Did you know there’s an incredibly important election coming up here in NYC? Did you know that...
Advocacy Newsroom

We Need Your Help: Dear Mr. President and Madam Vice President: Historic Letter Writing Campaign for Be An #ArtsHero

The story of our nation is in critical condition. It needs big ideas. It needs bold vision. It needs a critical mass of voices going to where the silence is, making the invisible, visible — and the impossible, roar to life. That is why Be An #ArtsHero and The Dramatists Guild of America are calling on you to incite a monumental reimagining and help steer a crucial course redirection in 2021. Together, we invite you to a historic letter-writing...
Advocacy Newsroom

WATCH NOW: Banned Together 2020

New videos from Banned Together 2020 are now available to view via the Dramatists Guild website.   This series of events, presented by The Dramatists Guild Legal Defense Fund (DLDF) in partnership  with The Dramatists Guild Political Engagement Initiative, included two online panel discussions highlighting BIPOC writers who have previously...
The Dramatist

From the Desk of Political Engagement: Healthcare for Dramatists

Dear Guild Members, we are undertaking a major effort to increase access to healthcare for dramatists. We wanted to explain why we’ve made this work a priority, to lay out some of the efforts we are planning to make, and to share information with any members who might be in need....