Advocacy Newsroom

DG Advocacy Update: Our Legislative Agenda

Sometimes, what goes on in Washington D.C. can feel worlds apart from what happens on our stages but that couldn't be further from the truth. When you vote, you have the power to help elect officials who will prioritize issues that matter to writers like you.  Here are some of the policy and legislative relative issues the we've been working on in our advocacy efforts on behalf of playwrights, composers, lyricists, and librettists. Discover our...
Advocacy Newsroom

Theatre Writers are Job Creators in the Creative Arts Economy: Add Your Testimony to the Congressional Record

We are asking Dramatists Guild members— and all theatre writers— to submit testimony on January 19 and beyond, in order to ensure our voice is heard regarding the issues that are important to playwrights, composers, lyricists, and librettists, and our entire industry.  The Committee on Small Business will be holding a remote hearing, titled "The Power, Peril, and Promise of the Creative Economy" at 10am on Wednesday, January 19 via Zoom (information...
Advocacy Newsroom

DGF Announces Steven Schwartzberg Grants for Mental Health and Wellness

For so many, the uncertainty and challenges of this year have had a severe impact on not only physical health, but mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn global attention to the importance of mental wellness.  In The Dramatists Guild Foundation's conversations with dramatists during this unprecedented time, they have realized that financial restrictions have made prioritizing mental health and wellness out of reach for many. DGF has...
Advocacy Newsroom

Medicare Open Enrollment

Here at the Dramatists Guild, we believe that affordable healthcare should be accessible to everyone, including writers who are freelancers. We encourage those members to utilize Medicare's Open Enrollment period (now through December 15 or January 31, depending upon your state) to find the healthcare plan that best works for you. Our friends over at The Actors Fund are busy dispelling myths...

Health Insurance Navigation Testimonial

Listen to fellow DG member Tere Martinez, and her wife Barbara Vladhides, discuss how they recently navigated complicated insurance procedures to get insurance for an encompassing surgical procedure. Many DG members are struggling to obtain access to insurance during this time. 
Advocacy Newsroom

A Letter from The Political Engagement Initiative: Healthcare for Dramatists

Dear Guild members, We are writing to let you know that the Political Engagement Initiative will be undertaking a major effort to increase access to healthcare for dramatists. We wanted to explain why we’ve made this work a priority, to lay out some of the efforts we are planning to make, and to share information with any members who might be in need. As dramatists, most of us are members of the “gig economy,” earning our living in a piecemeal...