2025 Authors Coalition
Guild members, your response translates into money the Guild receives on behalf of all dramatists.

Help us, help you. Your response translates into money that the Guild receives on behalf of all dramatists, which means more resources for us to use to educate and advocate for the rights and opportunities available to all theatrical writers in the United States, including Guild members.
As in years past, the Dramatists Guild continues to work with the Authors Coalition of America to compensate American playwrights, composers, lyricists, and librettists for non-title specific royalties earned from the photocopying abroad of published works.
Your prompt and accurate answers will determine how much money we receive in the coming year. So, we need you to read the survey form carefully (including the instructions), and then complete it and return it to us by January 31, 2025.
When filling out the form, please understand that, in addition to the definition of “published author” described at the top of form, a dramatist is also a “published author” for purposes of the survey, if
(a) Their work has been performed in the U.S. and thereafter disseminated for the purpose of promotion or production to producers, promoters, or presenters;
(b) Their work, in the form of a performable script, has been deposited in a theatrical library or other theatrical institution which permits the photocopying or circulation of such work.
For the past year, the Dramatists Guild of America has been working with many other author groups, as part of the Authors Coalition, to reclaim non-title specific royalties from photocopies made abroad. With your help, in the past year, the Guild has collected a significant amount of funds, which has allowed us to represent the interests of dramatic authors in a wide range of activities. Our share of the money collected is determined by the responses that we get from the genre survey; your prompt and accurate answers will determine how much money we receive in the coming year.
If you have any questions regarding this form, please contact us at 212-398-9366 or (outside of NYC) at 800-289-9366. You may also email at questions@dramatistsguild.com.