Related Dramatist(s)
Doug Wright
Doug Wright - President, Dramatists Guild

The Dramatists Guild of America supports our Writers' Guild of America colleagues in their quest for the equitable representation of its members.

While the DG is not a union authorized to "franchise" agents like the WGA does, many dramatists have literary agents who are members of the Association of Authors Representatives, and the AAR's first rule in its canon of ethics is a pledge by its members that they will "provide loyal service to their clients' business and artistic needs, and will allow no conflicts of interest that would interfere with such service."  We are hopeful, then, that the WGA and the Association of Talent Agencies will come to an agreement that recognizes this fundamental principle of agency and begins to heal the rift that is not only ending professional relationships but is damaging personal relationships, as well.

Doug Wright
President, Dramatists Guild of America



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