
This year, September and October will be unusually busy months for the Dramatists Guild. We're pleased to announce Copyright Advocacy Month and Political Engagement Month! Both months will provide dramatists with thematically coordinated opportunities to learn, engage, and participate in these special months at the Guild.

September is Copyright Advocacy Month
September is Copyright Advocacy Month, which means that for 30 days,the DG is sharing tips on what exactly copyright means, how it benefits theatrical writers, and what dramatists can do to protect their copyright. The Dramatists Guild will be posting this information on their social media channels, sending it out via email, and publishing it on a dedicated copyright advocacy page on their website. Special Guild events for Copyright Advocacy Month include a return visit from Catherine Rowland of the U.S. Copyright Office on Friday September 25 at 2pm EDT. The Guild will also provide content from previous webinars and roundtables,  examining how U.S. Copyright Law pertains to Fair Use, Contracts, and International Licensing. Throughout the month, Guild members will have special access to featured articles on copyright related themes ranging from derivative works to director’s copyright to live streaming, and more. 
Copyright Advocacy Month will culminate in Banned Together 2020, presented by The Dramatists Guild Legal Defense Fund (DLDF) in partenship with The Dramatists Guild Political Engagement Initiative. The week long series of events, which spans from September 28 to October 3, will include three online panel discussions that will highlight BIPOC writers who have previously been left out of significant cultural conversations.

October is

October is Political Engagement Month, which aptly comes at a time when many people are asking “how can I get more involved in my community?” The Political Engagement Committee (PEI) is ready to help Guild members in a fun and interactive way. The Dramatists Guild's PEI will hold a month long contest that awards the member who writes to their political leaders the most times during October, conveying their support on an issue that pertains to dramatists. The winner of the contest will receive a plaque that states “2020 Political Engagement Activist," and will be presented with said plaque via Zoom on November 3, 2020, which is Election Day in the United States. This October, The PEI will also launch a special digital timeline that will create a historic record of PEI’s investment in our community. The timeline will live on the PEI homepage, along with videos from the PEI committee in which committee members discuss the importance of political engagement and share information about the socio-political issues that matter most to them. 

Stayed tuned for more information on both Copyright Advocacy Month and Political Engagement Month!




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