The murders this past week in Atlanta of eight people, six of them Asian American women, at the hands of a white supremacist is the latest horrific example of the cancer of anti-Asian racism in America.
We know, as writers, that narrative is a powerful tool that can be used for good or ill. It can illuminate lasting truths that ennoble us all, and it can also denigrate, diminish, stereotype, and scapegoat. These most recent attacks cannot be disconnected from the particular and pernicious mix of misogyny, sexual fetishization, and racism twined into cultural narratives that have been used throughout our nation’s history to justify discrimination and violence against Asian people.
These acts affect us. They affect our membership. What sets race and gender based violence apart from other acts of violence is the powerful message of intimidation it sends to everyone in the targeted group. It’s a message felt by many in our community, and one we can push back against through solidarity. We urge all writers to join us in supporting, standing up, and speaking out against anti-Asian American hatred and violence.
The Dramatists Guild Foundation offers several resources for immediate support for AAPI writers. Emergency Grants provide financial relief for medical expenses, rent, grocery bills, and other life necessities. The Steven Schwartzberg Grants for Mental Health and Wellness are available to help pay for mental health and wellness services. Please visit for more information.
Below are additional resources for those in need of support, as well as information about how to take action.
The Steven Schwartzberg Grants for Mental Health and Wellness
Task Force and Pro Bono Legal Resources
Stop AAPI Hate: A Resource Guide to Support the Asian-American Community
A Literary Guide To Combat Anti-Asian Racism in America
Asian Mental Health Collective
The Dramatists Guild of America
With the Support of
The Dramatists Guild Foundation
The Lillys
The Dramatists Legal Defense Fund
The Dramatists Guild Institute of Dramatic Writing
DG Copyright Management