Industry Alert

Back in August 2022, the Guild released a Career Alert concerning, a website that hosts a wealth of scripts, sheet music, and other forms of copyrightable material which have often been posted without the author's permission. 

A DG member recently informed us of two other sites that appear to be doing the same thing, and The member reported that a number of their works had been posted to both sites without their permission. The good news is that, after submitting takedown requests to both sites, the member's material was removed; removed the material promptly after receiving the request and took actions to remove it within roughly 10 days of the request (albeit without any notification that the material had been removed). 

However, is still ignoring takedown requests, and any other attempts at contact for that matter. The Dramatists Legal Defense Fund (DLDF) is continuing to gather information on them and investigate the ongoing issue that all of these sites present to our members. In the meantime, we encourage everyone to visit and, and search for any of your work that may have been posted without your consent.

If you do find infringing material, you should follow the takedown procedures provided by the site to have that material removed. For your convenience, we have included links to that information below: – Review the section titled Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement –

Do you have additional questions about copyright infringement? The Business Affairs Help Desk is DG's support portal that allows us to answer your business related questions more quickly and efficiently. You can submit a query, or request a contract review, via our ticketing system.


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