Tim J. Lord
Tim is a Plays in Progress Mentor. Request Tim as a PIP Mentor.
Tim J. Lord is the inaugural recipient of The Lark’s ApothetaeFellowship for a playwright with a disability. A native of St. Louis, his plays have remained firmly rooted in the Midwest, exploring the relationships between communities and the physical landscapes they inhabit often via our shared mythologies. As a member of the disability community he creates characters that tend to be outsiders struggling to find their ways through the “normal” world. His plays have been seen at the Public Theater, Actors Theatre of Louisville, The Lark, The Playwrights’ Center, The New Harmony Project, Summer Play Festival, NNPN/Kennedy Center University Playwrights Workshop, Pillsbury House & Theater, Working Theater, Circle Rep, The Cutout Theatre, The Vagrancy, and The Barn Arts Collective. He was a 2017-18 Jerome Fellow at the Playwrights Center in Minneapolis; and he writes regularly for the 52nd Street Project in New York which pairs kids from Hells Kitchen with theater professionals to give them opportunities to create in and for their community. Currently based in Rockville, MD, Tim studied with Paula Vogel while living in Providence and is a graduate of the University of California, San Diego’s MFA playwriting program.
Inaugural Apothetae-Lark Fellowship for a Disabled Writer, The Lark, 2017-19. We Declare You a Terrorist, World Premiere, Round House Theatre. On Every Link a Heart Does Dangle; or, Owed: NNPN/Kennedy Center MFA Playwrights Workshop – Alumni slot, August 2018 “Wild Creatures” for The Great Divide II: Pillsbury House & Theater February–March 2018 Fault & Fold Workshop: The Playwrights Center, April 2018 Peloponnesus Workshop Production: The Cutout Theatre, NYC, April 2016 Better Homes & Homelands: Workshop Production, Drama League DirectorFest, December 2013 Down in the face of God: Workshop Production, The Vagrancy, Los Angeles, CA, May 2012, July 2009 Jerome Fellow, The Playwrights Center, Minneapolis, MN, 2017-18