Myla Lichtman-Fields

Composer Playwright Lyricist

“FELIX & FANNY”will debut in concert on Nov 24, 2022 at London's Barbican Centre's Milton Court Theatre featuring The Carducci String Quartet with Lucy Phelps and Luke Thallon of The RSC. It received a standing ovation in 2023 when it was reprised at The York Concert Series Jack Lyons Theater.   It was produced by California Artists Radio Theatre for NPR featuring Michael York and Samantha Eggar and has aired nationally on Sirius XM satellite radio . “BRIGID OF KILDARE” featuring Samantha Eggar and Monte Markham was recorded by CART  for radio broadcast and downloading on and Audio recordings of both plays are available through the CART catalogue (

Olympia Dukakis read the lead role of SARA in “LEARNING TO DANCE I N THE RAIN” in N .Y.C.  The play was a semi-finalist in the Ashland new Play Festival 2010.  The play was a Finalist in the 2014 IATI Theatre Award Contest.

The Antaeus Company presented a staged reading of “VS. ROBERT SCHUMANN” (aka “Counterparts”), starring Apollo Dukakis, Nike Doukas, and Michael Salazar and was directed by Jessica Kubzansky.  Myla’s plays“VS. ROBERT SCHUMANN” and “THE SCADALMAKERS” were each selected and presented at The Great Plains Theatre Conference in Omaha, NE.

“THE WETBACK”, directed by Anthony Barnao, was produced by Blue Sphere Alliance at the Lex Theatre in Hollywood and in Orange County in 2001.

“THE STONE OF KILHARA” and “THE PEACEMAKERS” were read at San Diego’s Old Globe Theatre. “THE PEACEMAKERS” won 2nd place in the Stage & Screen contest and Act I was work-shopped at The O’Neill Playwriting Conference Center in CT.

Myla Lichtman-Fields is a member of The Dramatists Guild, Writers Guild of America, and PEN.  She has a Ph.D. in Communications/Drama with a minor in film from U.S.C.  She was a staff writer at Universal studios where she penned episodics, MOWs, and an NBC Special.  

18 of Myla's plays have GONE GLOBAL and are available through, Barnes&Noble, Amazon, Abe Books, among others.


“FELIX & FANNY” was presented in 2022 at London's Barbican Centre's Milton Court Theatre featuring The Carducci String Quarte and 2 actors from The Royal Shakespeare Co. (Luke Thallon & Lucy Phelps).  It was reprised in 2023 in the York Concert Series where it received a standing ovation.  It was produced by California Artists Radio Theatre for NPR featuring Michael York and Samantha Eggar and has aired nationally on Sirius XM satellite radio CH. 80. “BRIGID OF KILDARE” featuring Samantha Eggar and Monte Markham was recorded by CART for radio broadcast on Sirius XM and downloading on and Audio recordings of both plays are available through the CART catalogue (

Olympia Dukakis read the lead role of SARA in “LEARNING TO DANCE I NTHE RAIN” in N .Y.C. The play was a semi-finalist in the Ashland new Play Festival and was a Finalist in the 2014 IATI Theatre Award Contest.

The Antaeus Company presented a staged reading of “VS. ROBERT SCHUMANN” (aka “Counterparts”), starring Apollo Dukakis and directed by Jessica Kubzansky.  Myla’s plays“VS. ROBERT SCHUMANN” and “THE SCADALMAKERS” and were each selected and presented at The Great Plains Theatre Conference in Omaha, NE.

“THE WETBACK”, directed by Anthony Barnao, was produced by Blue Sphere Alliance at the Lex Theatre in Hollywood and in Orange County.  "SATAN AMONGST US" received an Equity-waiver production by the St. Peter's Players in PVE.

“THE STONE OF KILHARA” and “THE PEACEMAKERS” were read at San Diego’s Old Globe Theatre, and “THE PEACEMAKERS” won 2nd place in the Stage & Screen contest and Act I was work-shopped at The O’Neill Playwriting Conference Center in CT.

19 of Myla's plays have Gone Global and are available through, Barnes&Noble, Abe Books, and Amazon.