Lynn Millar
Two of my short plays were produced as part of play festivals at 6th St Playhouse -Studio in Santa Rosa, CA. I continue to write short plays but have recently started two longer plays.
After moving to Salem, Or, I started a playwright group with the help of the Salem Theater Network and Keizer Homegrown Theater. The 45th Parallel Playwrights have been meeting since May of 2019. Now meeting on Zoom, we have eight playwrights and many actors/readers to help work on our plays (both long and short). We had two showcases at Keizer Homegrown Theater in between Covid lulls. This year we are planning readings back in the theater.
I have written many short plays - with two produced. 45th Parallel Playwrights is a critique group I started in May 2019. The group has inspired me to work on a couple of longer plays.
In July 2021, 45th Parallel Playwrights offered two live performance of 8 Unparalleled Play - short pieces and scenes from longer pieces, at Keizer Homegrown Theater. I organized, directed overall showcase and stage managed. June of 2022, I produced 5 plays - three short pieces with discussion, a long staged reading and one full production play.