David Valdes Greenwood
Selected Plays:
The Mermaid Hour at Borderlands, Milagro, Actor's Theatre of Charlotte 2018
Mermaid Hour: Remixed (the Musical) at Mixed Blood
Full Code at Boulder Ensemble Studio Theatre
Raggedy And at Pride Films & Plays
The Last Catastrophist at Huntington Theatre Company Summer Workshop
Bully Dance at Argos Theatre Company
Valdes Greenwood's work has been produced across the US, in the UK, and Asia. His plays have appeared in the Humana Festival, New York Fringe, Portland Stage Little Festival of the Unexpected, National Showcase of New Plays, and more. Published plays include the drama Brave Navigator and multiple shorts, as well as four books. A past Huntington Theatre Company Fellow, Cimientos Fellow, and Brother Thomas Fellow, he is a multiple Sloan Commission recipient.