Darrah Cloud

Librettist Playwright Lyricist

Darrah Cloud is currently working on THE IMAGINARY LIFE OF ALEXANDER MCQUEEN for Live Nation/Ark Productions as well as a musical adaptation of Wally Lamb's SHE'S COME UNDONE for Theatre LatteDa. She wrote the lyrics for the musical adaptation of Willy Holtzman's play, SABINA, which premiered at Portland Stage in May of 2022. Her play, TURNING, premiered at Centenary Stage in March 2021.  UNDERSTUDY JESUS received a workshop production at Rhinebeck Center for the Performing Arts in Fall 2018. OUR SUBURB premiered at Theater J in Washington, DC in 2014 and has gone on to numerous theaters. JOAN THE GIRL OF ARC toured with Cincinnati Playhouse, 2014. Other plays produced across the U.S. include WHAT’S BUGGING GREG?, THE STICK WIFE, THE MUD ANGEL, DREAM HOUSE, BRAILLE GARDEN, THE SIRENS, HEARTLAND, THE BOXCAR CHILDREN, HONOR SONG FOR CRAZY HORSE and the stage adaptation of Willa Cather’s O PIONEERS! which premiered at the Huntington Stage starring Mary McDonnell and was filmed by American Playhouse. Alum: New Dramatists, member: Honor Roll, Howl Playwrights (Co-director). Graduate of the Writers Workshop at the University of Iowa, professor at Goddard College, and former Town Supervisor of Pine Plains.


The Imaginary Life of Alexander McQueen, She's Come Undone, Sabina, Turning, Our Suburb, What's Bugging Greg? The Stick Wife, O Pioneers!