
New Mexico DG Footlights: Call for Submissions

Santa Fe, NM


Teatro Paraguas

Teatro Paraguas
3205 Calle Marie
Santa Fe, NM 87507
United States


Playwrights living in New Mexico are invited to submit a play for inclusion in New Mexico's 2024-2025 DG Footlights™ Reading Series!

Readings will be held at Teatro Paraguas, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Each reading will be followed by an audience talkback. Specific dates will be assigned based on the volume of submissions; if more submissions are received than dates available, plays will be chosen by lottery. We have six available dates:

  • December 3, 2024
  • January 7, 2025
  • February 4, 2025
  • March 4, 2025
  • April 1, 2025
  • May 6, 2025

Submission Details and Deadline: To submit your play(s) for a DG Footlights™ reading, Playwrights do not need to submit a copy of their scripts. Please instead email and provide the following information to talia@taliapura.com.

  • Your full name;
  • Your pronouns;
  • Your location (city, state);
  • Your play title;
  • The genre of your play (comedy, drama, farce, etc.);
  • The rating of your play (G, PG, R, X) and why you rated it that way;
  • A short synopsis of your play (3-4 lines) for event promotion;
  • Five key questions about your play;
  • The estimated running time of your play;
  • A list of social issues that are addressed in your play;
  • A character list; Any preferred reading dates from those listed and/or any conflicts.

Please note that playwrights will be provided theatre space and an audience. Playwrights are solely responsible to cast their plays and are required to be in attendance.

Submission Deadline: Sunday, October 20. All entrants will be notified of their status by October 25, 2024.